
Hi there!

My name is Benny and I’m the person behind Barefootland.
I’m an artist lucky to be living and breathing the air of Hawaii Nei.

Originally I’m from Norway. Pretty much the complete opposite of where I live now.
I came to the Big Island of Hawaii 6 years ago and immediately fell in love with it.
It’s so easy to be inspired here. Just taking my daughter to Hula practice makes me so full of impressions. (Yes, I have 3 children!!) There’s so much beauty everywhere I look. So the art that I’m creating is heavily influenced by the beautiful lush nature that’s surrounding me.

On a daily basis I’m home with my baby and I also work as a freelance Graphic Designer/Illustrator. Selling art etc through Barefootland has been a dream of mine for a few years now, and I’m so excited to see where it will lead!

These are a few things that I love:

Black coffee, the smell of old cement cellars, my family, God, the perfect color blue, old Jeeps, Norwegian style shrimp sandwiches, my iPad Pro and Pencil (that I use to do most of my work these days), tapping my finger agains objects to hear the sound they make, hibiscus flowers, organizing paperwork into the correct folders or files, gradient colors, surfing, opening a new apple product (seriously tho, they almost make it feel like a religious ritual… they’re pretty smart when it comes to these things), walking barefoot, the days where I don’t wear make up so I don’t have to take it off and then only have to brush my teeth, hehe, having deep one on one conversations with people, watching Parks and Rec with my husband and a thousand more things, but these are a few!

So happy you stopped by, hope you enjoy, and feel free to contact me!